2019, year of consolidation

The .EUS domain has turned five in 2019, and coinciding with the fifth anniversary, two important milestones have been fulfilled: overcoming the barrier of 10,000 domain names and normalizing the price of the .EUS domain, coming to match the rest of the main TLDs . In this five-year journey, the .EUS domain has been established in Basque society guaranteeing its viability. In 2019 the domain continues to grow and grows 10%.
This year we have continued working to strengthen the presence of Basque in the digital environment, promoting successful projects such as kaixomundua.eus or kodepoesia.eus, and proposing the basis for promoting the digital strategy of Basque. In general, the milestones observed in 2019 include:
- Standardization of the .EUS domain price, registrations and renewals from 19 euros.
- We have celebrated the 5th anniversary of the incorporation of the .EUS domain to Internet, along with the achievement of 10,000 domain names.
- The .EUS domain growth rate has been 10%.
- We have strengthened our participation in the ICANN GeoTLD Group, assuming the vice president of ex-com.
- We have launched the first edition of the Kaixomundua.eus project.
- We have launched the Kode Poesia laboratory, with talks and workshops on the subject.
- We have received two awards: the Diario Vasco for digital communication and the Buber Award for the Kaixomundua.eus project.
- We have signed an agreement with the City of Elgoibar for the implementation of the headquarters of the PuntuEUS Foundation in Elgoibar.
- In collaboration with the association Elgoibarko Izarra we have organized a day on Basque in the digital environment.
These have been some of the jobs that have completed our activity in 2019, but they have been many more. For this we have had the support of the PuntuEUS Community and in 2020 we will continue to strengthen the role of Basque in the Digital Environment in collaboration with the Community.