We have the Basque language in our veins, with all that this entails. We are a reflection of a country, its people and its culture, and we work with passion to give our language the place it deserves in the digital world. Beat by beat and with a commitment to our language and culture, we want to act as spokespersons and disseminators of our language.


Our main task is to guarantee your digital security. We put our knowledge at your disposal, offering quality services and solutions in a clear and direct way. We are transparent in our actions and we are at your side for everything you need. With PUNTUEUS you will have the confidence that things will work out well.


We are willing to take and find new ways to achieve our goals. Because our natural movement is to move forward, without fear of new challenges. We are innovative in our bets, in the projects we create and with them we want to inspire our environment and our community. To promote change, to initiate new trends.


Josu Waliño

Zuzendari nagusia

PUNTUEUSen muinaren bila bazabiltza, PUNTUEUSek zure alde ezer egin badezake, edo zuk PUNTUEUSen alde… ez egin zalantzarik, Josurekin hitz egin.


The PUNTUEUS Foundation is the entity responsible for the control, administration and management of the .EUS domain. It is a private non-profit organisation made up of entities from the Basque language, Basque culture and technology sectors. The presidency of the foundation is held by Iñaki Goirizelaia on behalf of the UPV/EHU.

Members of the board of trustees