.EUS growing and achieving stability

Two years have passed since the .EUS domain was made public and in this time it has taken up its place on the Basque-language Internet. We have met all the aims set in 2016, with the .EUS TLD having achieved a total of 6,302 domain names by the end of the year.
Achieving a growth rate of 28% in 2016 means that the .EUS domain has managed to maintain growth; the graph shows that .EUS is the only one to see significant growth while most of the Internet domains in the Basque Country have been losing their market share. But it is important to ensure stability as well as growth, and in 2016 the renewal rate of the .EUS domains was 89%, which is much higher than the rate usually enjoyed by Internet domains.
According to a study conducted by the PuntuEUS Observatory in 2015, the .EUS domain was in 8th position on the Basque Country’s TLD market. By the end of 2016 it had managed to improve this position overtaking the .INFO domain and occupying 7th position. Our aim is for .EUS to move up to 3rd position on the Basque Country’s market by 2020, and the domain’s growth rate and market evolution provide grounds for optimism in this respect.