How can I restore a domain name that has been eliminated?

Unless a domain name is renewed before the expiry deadline, the domain name will start the deletion phase. This phase takes 30 days and if you are the domain name owner, you have this period in which you can retrieve your domain name. You will have to ask your registrar how much the restore will cost and tell them to get the transaction. When the domain name has been restored, it will be renewed for one year and that is why doing it this way is more expensive than through a normal renewal process.

If you don’t want to pay for the restore, another option is to wait until the domain name has been deleted and register it again once it has been released. 30-35 days after the domain name has expired you will be able to register it again, as a random period of 0-5 days has to elapse for the domain to be registrable once again. You will be able to check the availability of the domain using the search box on the website. However, be aware that doing so is risky, as anyone can register a domain name once it has been released.