Kaixomundua.eus wins the 2019 Buber Award

Kaixomundua.eus has won the Buber Award for Best Youth Project 2019. The network users have authorized and praised the value of the project in the educational field.
In fact, the objective of the Kaixomundua.eus contest is the development of digital constraints in the school community, so that the students of FP, ESO, Bachelor and Vocational Training go from being digital consumers to being digital creators in Basque.
After the success of the pilot made last year, this year the first edition of the Kaixomundua.eus project is underway. Registration will remain open until March 31, after which students who have participated in the groups will present their work and the court with experts will select the best jobs in each category.
For the PuntuEUS Foundation, it is the second Buber Prize for the Best Basque Project in 2015. The Buber Awards reward projects that benefit society: websites and applications. The Provincial Council of Bizkaia, with the collaboration of the Bilbao City Council, Euskaltel and Irekia, is the entity that awards the Internet & Euskadi awards.