To promote the digital transformation of society through the Basque language, the goal of PuntuEUS for the next three years

Growth continues and the barrier of 12,000 domain names has been exceeded in January.
PuntuEUS has started the year with a positive balance and starting new purposes and challenges. In fact, the board of the PuntuEUS Foundation has concluded the PuntuEUS 2020 cycle and has approved the launch of the PuntuEUS 2021-2023 strategic plan.
The purpose of the period that has just ended was to establish the bases and extend the .EUS domain to the community. “There is no doubt that the objectives have been met successfully. The .EUS domain has a great acceptance and presence in our society. The domain has grown by 242% in this period, almost tripling the number of domains and going from 4,903 to 11,927 domains,” explains Josu Waliño, director of PuntuEUS. In January, the 12,000 domain names barrier has been overcome.
“I can affirm, therefore, that the defined objectives in the strategic plan of the PuntuEUS Foundation for the period 2016-2020 have been exceeded: laying the bases of the foundation, of the domain and of the development of the Basque language in the digital environment”, added Waliño.
IIñaki Goirizelaia replaced Joan Mari Torrealdai as president to implement the strategic plan that has just been closed. In the coming years Goirizelaia will continue in the position of President representing the UPV/EHU. The remaining members of the board of the PuntuEUS Foundation will also continue: Kontseilua, Euskal Idazleen Elkartea, EKE, ESLE, Euskaltel, Euskaltzaindia, EITB and PuntuEUS Elkartea.
The next triennium PuntuEUS goal will be to influence on the digital transformation of society from the Basque language. To do this, they will focus on four main areas or challenges: Basque digital society, domain, digital industry and advanced management.
In the words of Josu Waliño, director of PuntuEUS, “we have developed a plan that responds to the current situation of Basque society. We are living the digital transformation of society, and we have developed a project that will help to respond to this challenge from the Basque language, so that the Basque language and the .EUS domain are key in the digital transformation of society.”
In the coming years the PuntuEUS Foundation will deepen the digital strategy of the Basque language, inciting from the Basque language in the sector of the digital industry. The .EUS domain is the main tool for this and the objective is to make .EUS the main domain in the digital territory of Basque. For this purpose it will increase the cybersecurity of the domain and the quality criteria, reinforcing the diffusion of the domain. Likewise, establishing a foothold in the digital transformation ecosystem, as well as maintaining a presence and influence in the international domain sector will be key lines of work.
Achieving a society that values the use of Basque in a globalized digital environment is also a challenge. Therefore, PuntuEUS encourages cooperation and transparency in any initiative. The community that sustains the domain is diverse and a competent work team is responsible for promoting this character naturally.