- At the beginning of the test, server score is 100.
- Points are deducted when server configuration does not correspond to the PCI DSS requirements, HIPAA guidance or NIST guidelines.
- Points are deducted when server configuration contains exploitable vulnerabilities or weaknesses that are not yet covered by PCI DSS, HIPAA or NIST.
- Points are added for every extra best practice which is not mentioned in the PCI DSS requirements, HIPAA guidance or NIST guidelines.
- Server cannot get an "A+" if a misconfiguration makes it lose more than 10 points.
- Server gets an "N" if a tested port is closed.
- The server gets an "F" grade if HTTPS (443/tcp) port is closed but HTTP (80/tcp) port is open.
Score greater than 100
Score between 90 and 99
Score between 80 and 89
Score between 70 and 79
Score between 60 and 69
Score between 50 and 59
Score between 35 and 49
Score between 20 and 34
Score lower than 20
Certificate is an Extended Validation (EV) certificate
+10 points
HTTP website redirects to HTTPS (Always-On SSL)
+10 points
Server prefers cipher suites providing strong Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
+10 points
Server provides TLS_Fallback_SCSV extension
+10 points
Server implements HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with long duration or the domain is included in HSTS preload list
+10 points
Server supports TLSv1.3
+10 points
Server X509 certificate is prior to version 3
-5 points
Server certificate has been issued for more than 398 days
-5 points
Server certificate has not been signed with the proper algorithm
-5 points
Server does not support OCSP stapling
-5 points
Server does not support neither P-256 nor P-384 curves
-5 points
Server does not support some cipher suites required by NIST guidelines or HIPAA guidance
-5 points
TLS cipher suites that are not approved by NIST guidelines or HIPAA guidance are supported
-5 points
Server supports Elliptic Curves but does not support EC Point Format extension
-5 points
Certificate chain is not provided
-10 points
Website includes insecure (HTTP) content
-10 points
Server accepts client-initiated secure renegotiation
-10 points
Server does not provide information about support for secure renegotiation
-10 points
Server does not support TLSv1.3
-10 points
Certificate chain relies on expired certificate, it can break connection for some clients
-20 points
Certificate signature is not SHA2
-20 points
Certificate does not provide revocation information
-20 points
SSL is supported but TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 are preferred
-20 points
SSL/TLS cipher suites that are not approved by PCI DSS are supported
-40 points
Certificate key length or DH parameter are too small (< 2048 bits or 256 bits for EC)
-40 points
Server supports at least one elliptic curve whose size is below 224 bits
-40 points
SSL is supported while TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 are not
-40 points
Server supports TLS compression which may allow CRIME attack
-40 points
SSL/TLS cipher suites that are not approved by PCI DSS are preferred
-50 points
Certificate is untrusted or invalid*
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to CVE-2014-0224 (OpenSSL CCS flaw)
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to CVE-2016-2107 (OpenSSL padding-oracle flaw)
-60 points
Server may be vulnerable to CVE-2021-3449 (OpenSSL maliciously crafted renegotiation vulnerability)
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to POODLE over TLS
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to GOLDENDOODLE
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to Zombie POODLE
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to Sleeping POODLE
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to 0-Length OpenSSL
-60 points
Server accepts client-initiated insecure renegotiation
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to ROBOT (Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat)
-60 points
Server is vulnerable to Heartbleed
-70 points
* including mismatch of the certificate’s CN and SAN unless the test is for an IP and IP’s PTR matches domain from CN and SAN