The project wins the STEAM Euskadi Award
In the 3rd edition of the event, organised by Innobasque and the Department of Education of the Basque Government, the initiative promoted by the PuntuEUS Foundation has received the 1st prize in the category of STEAM educational initiatives promoted by socio-economic entities., an initiative organised by the PUNTUEUS Foundation, has been one of the winners in the 3rd edition of the STEAM Euskadi Awards, a competition that aims to identify the educational initiatives that are being developed in the Basque Country in the STEAM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Through the STEAM Euskadi seal, these awards recognise initiatives with a marked STEAM character, especially those aimed at girls, young people and women.
The competition, which is organised by the Basque Innovation Agency Innobasque and the Department of Education of the Basque Government, rewards STEAM educational initiatives promoted by three different groups: schools, universities and vocational training centres and, finally, STEAM educational initiatives promoted by socio-economic entities.
In this last section, the project has received a double prize, as it has been awarded 1st prize and it has also obtained the special mention for gender perspective.
The jury for this edition of the STEAM Euskadi Awards was made up of representatives of the Educational Training and Innovation Support Centres (Berritzegunes) of the Department of Education, Tknika, academic entities such as the University of Deusto and the UPV/EHU, as well as Innobasque. In total, 126 projects have been evaluated this year.
As explained by the CEO of PUNTUEUS, Josu Waliño, “our mission is to influence the digital transformation of society through the Basque language, and is an important tool in this goal. We have seen that it fosters digital skills and strengthens young people’s vocations. In this year’s edition, 1,218 students from 36 schools have participated. It proves the success of the project”.
The aim of the project is to promote knowledge of digital skills in the school community by learning how to create websites. The competition also aims to promote the creation of digital content in Basque.
The representatives of PUNTUEUS have received the award from the Basque Government’s Minister of Education, Jokin Bildarratz, who has highlighted the originality and necessity of this type of initiatives.
About is an inter-school competition launched by the PUNTUEUS Foundation during the 2018-2019 academic year. The aim of the initiative is to create a real website through motivating work based on practice, which allows students to go from being digital consumers to becoming digital creators. At the same time, and through video-training on the web, the competition also aims to improve the training of teachers in need of technological skills.
This project founded by PUNTUEUS could not be carried out without the fundamental support of sponsoring entities such as the Vice-Ministry of Language Policy of the Basque Government and the Euskaltel Foundation and the collaboration of the company Dinahosting.