The new websites developed by students for local associations in the ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ project have been presented

The students from Elgoibar have created websites to digitize the activities and services of local associations and promote the use of Basque language in the digital environment, while also increasing the visibility of the .eus domain. Additionally, by learning to create websites, the students have developed STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) vocations.

In a joint effort to promote the use of Basque language in the digital environment, PUNTUEUS, in collaboration with the Elgoibar City Council and Elgoibarko Izarra, launched the innovative project ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ in early 2024. The main objective of this project has been to promote the digitization of many associations from Elgoibar and encourage the use of the .eus domain, and the first results are already evident. Today, on June 11th, at an event held at the Aita Agirre Kulturgunea, the new websites of local associations created by students have been presented. Lorea Argarate, scientist, communicator, and creator, has facilitated the event, in which students have participated alongside the beneficiary associations of the new websites. Also has taken part Lorea Arakistain, communication manager of PUNTUEUS; Maialen Gurrutxaga, Mayor of Elgoibar; and Amaia Sastre, president of Elgoibarko Izarra.

Lorea Arakistain has emphasized that the ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ project represents a qualitative leap: “‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ is based on the ‘Kaixo Mundua’ methodology created by PUNTUEUS in 2019, and with this new initiative we have gone further. The students have faced a great challenge, providing a real solution to a real need and, at the same time, they have made a significant contribution to the community by promoting digital transformation and local development.”

The Mayor of Elgoibar, Maialen Gurrutxaga, has expressed her pride and gratitude for the success of the project. “This project reflects the true associative spirit and the spirit of Elgoibar. Thanks to the dedication of our young people and the support of the associations, we have taken an important step towards inclusive digitalization and the promotion of Basque language in our municipality and in the network of associations.”

Amaia Sastre, president of Elgoibarko Izarra, has highlighted the project’s contribution to Basque language: “Thanks to the ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ initiative, we have managed to promote the use of Basque language in the digital environment. You just have to look at the results: now nine more associations in Elgoibar have websites in Basque.” Amaia has also praised the collaboration among local stakeholders.

After the talk by the promoters of the ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ initiative, the associations that have participated in the project along with the centers that have created their websites have been presented.

Next steps

Next week, together with the schools, an evaluation of the initiative will be conducted to determine the feasibility of carrying out a second edition with more local associations. Additionally, the feedback from the associations will be taken into account to gain an overall understanding of the ‘Elgoibartik Mundura’ initiative.